How Do I Become More Intuitive?
Author: Nicky J. Davies |
Categories: Business Fast Track
I was co-hosting a webinar last night about being an intuitive leader; someone who knows how to listen and be guided by their intuition. One of the participants asked a great question; how do I become more intuitive?
I wonder if this is a question you ask yourself occasionally, or maybe more frequently than that?
The thing is, you are already highly intuitive; that little voice that gently suggests what you need to do next. The pull to do something that doesn’t logically make sense at the time, but looking back was absolutely the right thing to do.
That guiding voice, whether you call it intuition, energy, spirit, God/Allah, knows so much better what we need to do in any situation than our thoughts.
Our thoughts often work against us, telling ourselves why we can’t take the action our intuition knows is right.
Our thoughts will give us what seem rational reasons for not following through; it’s not the right time, they won’t be interested, that’s not going to work because……
Sometimes the thoughts come in so quickly we don’t even ‘hear’ the action step we need to take. It becomes lost in the noise.
So, the question is not ‘how do I become more intuitive?’. The question is, how do you make sure you clearly hear your intuition, and quieten the thoughts that want to jump in and take control.
The answer is to stay in that place of inner peace more frequently.
Think about the last time you had a flash of inspiration? A great idea or solution to a problem you were facing? I bet it happened when you were doing something completely unrelated to the problem you were looking to solve, or at a time when you felt totally relaxed. When we’re in the flow of things, our intuition comes through loud and clear.
Archimedes was curious about how to measure the volume of an object - the solution came to him as he was climbing into a bath.
Isaac Newton was keen to understand the nature of gravity - his theory came from laying under an apple tree.
Insight, realisation and ‘aha’ moments arrive with a feeling of peace and clarity.
Our default position is really one of clarity and peace of mind. It’s where we are at our most resilient and experience a great sense of well-being.
Clarity is where we perform at our best.
You don’t need to sit cross-legged and ‘om’ yourself into clarity.
It’s not something you need to ‘work hard’ at.
Remember, it is our natural default position.
So, relax. And if that seems difficult right now, use gratitude.
In the new world of Covid-19 and lock down, maybe the last thing you need to hear is ‘relax’. So let’s look at how you can use gratitude to access that intuition more clearly with some practical steps you can take.
Often our busy minds are focused on a problem. It’s easy to get caught up in the negatives associated with the situation. Gratitude take you to the other side of the equation; the things to be grateful for in this situation. It brings a sense of balance and from that place you are in your natural state of clarity and inner peace. From here you can listen to your intuition and brainstorm ideas of what you can do – with no judgement!
If you find your thoughts jumping in and saying why you can’t do x, just say to yourself ‘next’ and come up with the next idea.
Keep going with a list of ideas until you have run out.
Now use your intuition to prioritise these ideas.
Which one jumps out at you?
Take the action and leave doubt to one side.
Having a coach take you through this process is really helpful. But it needs to be a coach that isn’t intent on telling you the answers. You want a coach that will facilitate the answers from you. After all, this is your life and intuition we’re talking about, not there’s!
Interested in knowing more? Let’s hop on a call – click on the link to book a time that works with your diary:
Nicky works with business owners looking for business growth that brings a Quantum Leap rather than linear progress. An approach that challenges your status quo and is based on insight and your innate wisdom. Helping you find direction through clarity.
Click this link to book a call: