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Leading Through Recovery | Business Growth Blog | Nicky J. Davies

Leading Through Recovery

Leading Through Recovery

Author: Nicky J. Davies | 0
Categories: Business Fast Track

Security is the dominant message we are given from an early age, and with good intent. But fear is the foundation of security – the fear that it will all go away or be taken from us.

We have to recognise that real security comes from within. It’s an awareness and not a place, a thing, or even a regular salary from an employer.

Real security requires us to go within and take responsibility for our situation. It would be easy to point the finger and blame external events, but this will not help us move forward.

By taking responsibility for our situation, we empower ourselves to move beyond the situation as an individual, family, and business leader.

When faced with a problem, we need to be able to see ourselves the other side of the problem and come up with solutions from that viewpoint. Einstein is famously quoted for saying:

“We cannot solve our problems with the same thinking we used when we created them.”

Taking responsibility for finding better solutions, starting with the ‘end in mind’ is exactly what is needed to lead through recovery; finding that balance between what worked before and what needs to happen to succeed in the next normal, as a business leader.

I say the next normal because this is an evolutionary process, not a destination.

Here are some thoughts on what will help:

  1. Start locking in practices that speed up decision making and execution – those who move earlier, faster and more decisively, will do best.
  2. Work towards more agile teams – empowerment and speed are crucial in a crisis but also when information is incomplete as it is in this current fluid environment where things change so frequently.
  3. Learn to live with a ‘messy’ experience – change is not linear! Track and measure the impact of changes, adjusting as you go along.
  4. Ensure staff are equipped with the necessary skills and support for devolved decision making – cognitive skills such as critical thinking, problem solving, project management, creativity and innovation are crucial, but need to be supported with an environment and culture which reflects the importance of these skills and devolved decision making.
  5. Build relationships across units and functions – find effective ways to work together and overcome challenges together. This is a challenge with remote working so need to strengthen social and emotional intelligence of your leaders in particular.
  6. Move out of transactional relationships with suppliers – build trust and partner so you can work together and find effective solutions. Your suppliers have a wealth of knowledge and experience that can be so useful especially during these times.
  7. Contactless services – think about how to lock-in and maybe scale some of these changes. Accelerate the transition to digitalization and automation.
  8. Define conditions for a safe experience for customers and employees – proactively communicate this as some measures such as deep-clean, may not be visible to customers or employees.
  9. Help core clients solve some of their problems – this may require more flexibility in how services are delivered, re-negotiate contracts and payment plans. How you treat your clients now will be remembered for a very long time!

To accelerate the road to recovery as conditions change, business leaders need to instil a sense of purpose as well as one of hope.

Navigating uncertainty has shaken all of us and many have felt their sense of security challenged.

Take responsibility for where things are today. Maintain transparency about what is going on, and continue to demonstrate empathy and compassion to others.

Continue to be and demonstrate that great leader you truly are; an inspired leader.

For more information, check out my YouTube Channel for my Leading to Recovery Series – interviews with experts in their field.

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