Personal & Corporate Transformation Have More in Common Than You Think
Author: Nicky J. Davies |
Categories: Career Reset
I’m currently updating some material on leading change and transformation for our corporate clients and the funny thing is the process of taking a whole organisation through transformation is not that different to transforming yourself and your own life. The main difference is scale. At this point you may be thinking “well yes, that’s obvious, but surely there needs to be a lot of communication and planning too”. And you would be right. In both scenarios.
But whether we are talking about corporate or individual transformation, it all starts with a shift in thinking.
So, here’s a summary of 5 things to bear in mind, drawing on the world of psychology and therapy and the work of Marisa Peer in particular:
1. Your mind only does what it thinks you want. Your dominant thoughts and self-talk are like programming for your mind. It will act on these and be very literal. Have you ever thought “I want a week off and do nothing” only to find yourself laid up with flu or some other illness? The mind has given you what you asked for!
Upshot is: manage your thoughts and self-talk so you are attracting what you want, not what you don’t want.
2. Your imagination is more powerful than knowledge. Once the four-minute mile had been broken by one man, Roger Bannister using his imagination rather than knowledge, many people subsequently went on to also break the four-minute mile.
Upshot is: when making a transformation, use your imagination to visualise something you cannot yet see.
3. Your mind will always try to move you from pain to something pleasurable. But pain or discomfort is where learning and growth exist so you want to run towards the pain.
Upshot is: if you want change and transformation, you’ve got to become ‘comfortable with being uncomfortable’.
4. Your mind loves what is familiar and avoids what is unfamiliar. Surround yourself with images of what it is that you want so it becomes familiar to your mind.
Upshot is: make what is unfamiliar, familiar.
5. In the battle of emotion and logic, emotion will always win. Fear will rule logic but you can change fear into excitement. Your body reactions to fear are the same as excitement – the flutter in your stomach, the faster beat of your heart…. Notice these reactions and say to yourself “I’m excited”.
Upshot is: you get to choose so choose better thoughts and words and get better emotions.
Every challenge in life also presents an opportunity. But if you focus on the challenge and how it can’t be done, you will never see its opposite – the opportunity. And it is the opportunity that presents us with a choice of continuing life as it is or stepping up, changing fear into excitement, and achieving the transformation in our lives.
Nicky works with managers who are looking to make a mid-career change, helping them make the changes needed to fall back in love with their lives.
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