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Deciding to Stay or Go in Your Current Career | Business Growth Blog | Nicky J. Davies

Should I Stay or Should I Go - How to Make Faster Decisions

Should I Stay or Should I Go - How to Make Faster Decisions

Author: Nicky J. Davies | 0
Categories: Career Reset

“What should I do?” She asked. Having made the decision she was going back to her home country with her husband to follow at a later date, she found herself being enticed by juicy offers from a former employer to stay.

She rang in a panic. Everything suddenly seemed turned upside down and she was left doubting her decision.

We went through the pros and cons of both options, using logic, but at the end of the day she intuitively knew her answer – stick to her original decision and return home.

“What a relief! Now I can carry on packing and stop worrying!”.

Has this ever happened to you? You make a big decision for your life, start acting on it and then there is a big pull from what you would be leaving to stay put?

Fear kicks in big time when this happens – what if…. I made a mistake? I regret my decision? I fail?

What if I stay… I regret that? I play it too safe?​

It’s fear that leaves us stuck between a rock and a hard place in our thinking.

Time to take a deep breath, recognise the fear for what it is, and look at what is being offered for you to stay put.

Here are some useful questions to ask yourself:

Has or would anything change substantially if you stayed?

You made the decision to leave for a reason and I am sure it was a well-considered decision. Small stresses and dissatisfactions build up over time to bring you to a point of considering leaving, so what would be different with this new offer?

We can all be enticed by juicy offers of more responsibility and more money but if the culture and climate remain the same then is it worth staying for the extra money?

If, however it was an offer to move into a new area that interests you, work with a team that inspires you, or there are substantial changes, then staying needs serious consideration.

In that case, two additional questions may be helpful:

What would you be giving up if you chose to stay now?

What would you gain if you chose to stay now?

The upshot is, get really clear on what it is you want from life.

Ask yourself great questions that help you understand whether the options available are taking you closer to what you want, or further away.

Be objective and dispassionate when asking these so that you can make intuitive decisions from the Executive Centre of your brain – the prefrontal cortex.

Make sure you are not locking yourself into ‘either / or’ thinking. There are usually way more options available to you than just A or B. Become aware of what those other options or opportunities may be that fit with what you want from life.

If it really does fall to either option A or option B, what if you combined the two? What if you did neither?

And it helps to talk things through with someone who will listen, ask great questions to clarify your thinking, without any agenda of their own!

If this is something you would find helpful, then I am here to listen and ask great questions to clarify your thinking. Click on the link to book a FREE call with me:

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