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How to Take Your Business to the Next Level | Business Growth Blog | Nicky J. Davies

The One Move to Take Your Business to the Next Level

The One Move to Take Your Business to the Next Level

Author: Nicky J. Davies | 0
Categories: Business Fast Track

“This client journey / package is worth 100,000 to your business” I said.

Her look of astonishment was priceless.  “What?” she managed to stutter.

All sorts of thoughts suddenly came rushing to her:

‘Oh yes, it would be if you were delivering it – you have so much more experience than me.’

‘Here, in this country?  I don’t think so.’

‘My clients have balked at 3,000 for a two-day package never mind this crazy amount.’

She had suddenly bumped into her own self-limiting belief.

But she wasn’t going to stop here and let her own fears take over.  She knew that wouldn’t help her achieve the goals she set for herself; financially provide for her family through her business at a much higher level than she had ever done before.

She knew this was a defining moment. 

The moment where she either said ‘yes’ and fully embraced her goal, or ‘no’ and continued as she was.

A moment to make a decision and not look back.

You don’t need to see the whole picture with all the various action steps laid out.  You just need to see the next step and make a decision you are going to take it.  AND not look back.

Sounds easy?

And it is.


Your subconscious is going to view the situation as life-threatening and issue a heavy warning – think hurricane approaching!

Your subconscious is designed to keep you safe on a day-to-day basis.  It doesn’t see the bigger picture, understand that you actually want this.  It just sees the one situation happening right now, and evaluates whether it is a threat or not.  And because the situation is calling you to do something different to before, it sees this as a serious threat.

Your subconscious is going to stir things up, create the thoughts it knows are effective in stopping you from going there; you’re not good enough, you don’t have enough experience, what if they say no and reject you…..

Fear kicks in really quick, and suddenly you find yourself doubting your ability to achieve this.

Many people stop right here.  Caught up in their fear, doubt and worry.

But if you want a different life, the transformation, you’ve got to go beyond the point you would have previously stopped yourself.

So, what do you do?


My client, her mind in a tail-spin, wasn’t actually breathing at this point.  I had to remind her to breathe.

Take a long, deep breath in, pause, and a long deep breath out.

At this point you have two choices – power through it, using adrenalin to force your way through your own fears, or breathe into your heart, steady yourself and walk through it.

Of course, it helps having someone by your side to guide and support you.  Someone who has been there and achieved what it is you want to achieve. 

But you are still the one who has to decide to move forward and not look back.

Power through your fear or breathe into your heart, steady yourself and walk through it.

Having spent many years powering through my fears and paying the price in terms of my health, I now choose to breathe into my heart, steady myself and walk through it.  Fear is still my companion, after all there is still so much I want to achieve in my life that is new, beyond what I have done to date.  But it feels a much lighter and healthier way to deal with each new situation.  Try it.

And if you are looking to take your business to the next level, would like some help in handling the fear, book a call using this link:

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